Varicose Vein Solutions


  • Dialysis Access
    A fistulagram is an X-ray procedure that uses contrast (x-ray dye) to look at the blood flow in your fistula and check for blood clots or narrowing (stenosis) in your fistula.
    Hemodialysis Catheter
    A dialysis catheter is a catheter used for exchanging blood to and from a hemodialysis machine and a patient. The dialysis catheter contains two lumens: venous and arterial. A lumen is an inner space within the catheter.
    Construction A-V Fistula
    An AV fistula is a connection of an artery to a vein. Arteries carry blood from the heart to the body, while veins carry blood from the body back to the heart. The surgeon usually places an AV fistula in the forearm or upper arm. An AV fistula causes extra pressure and extra blood to flow into the vein, making it grow large and strong. The larger vein provides easy, reliable access to blood vessels. Without this kind of access, regular hemodialysis sessions would not be possible.
    Revision A-V Fistula
    Revision A-V Fistula is a minor surgery to modify or improve the function of a dialysis fistula. The objective is to prolong the working life of a fistula before it fails.
  • Varicose Vein Treatment
    Varicose veins are swollen and often visible, twisted, blue or colorless veins that are close to the surface of the skin and often appear as bulges. Because valves in these veins are damaged, they hold more blood at higher pressure than normal. We perform several procedures in our surgery center to treat varicose veins, including endovenous ablation and VenaSeal. Please visit our website at: for more information.

    A venogram is a test that allows your doctor see the veins in your body, especially in your legs. A special dye is injected that can be seen on an X-ray. A venogram is used to diagnose deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or other abnormalities of your veins.
    Endovenous Ablation
    Endovenous ablation treats varicose veins in the superficial venous system. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under conscious sedation. Using ultrasound, your surgeon will guide a catheter into the diseased vein through a micro incision made in the skin. Radiofrequency delivers heat to the vein wall through the catheter. As the thermal energy is delivered, the vein wall shrinks, and the vein is sealed closed. This causes the blood to re-route to other healthy veins. 

    Following the procedure, a small bandage is placed over the insertion site and additional compression may be provided to aid healing. The average patient typically resumes normal activity within a few days.
    The VenaSeal system improves blood flow by sealing or closing the diseased vein. The system delivers a small amount of a specially formulated medical adhesive to the diseased vein. The adhesive seals the vein and blood is rerouted through nearby healthy veins.
    Excision of Varicose Veins
    Excision is a technique used to remove varicose veins. Several tiny cuts are made in the skin, through which the varicosed vein is removed. Excision may be used along with other treatments and is performed on an out-patient basis.  
  • Chemotherapy Access
    A port-a-cath is a device used to draw blood and give treatments, including intravenous fluids, drugs, or blood transfusions. The port is placed under the skin, usually in the chest. It is attached to a catheter (a thin, flexible tube) that is guided (threaded) into a large vein above the right side of the heart called the superior vena cava. A port-a-cath may stay in place for many weeks or months. A needle is inserted through the skin into the port to draw blood or give fluids. Also called port.
    Hickman Catheter
    A Hickman line is a central venous catheter most often used for the administration of chemotherapy or other medications, as well as for the withdrawal of blood for analysis. Some types are used mainly for the purpose of apheresis or dialysis. Hickman lines may remain in place for extended periods and are used when long-term intravenous access is required.
  • Temporal Artery Biopsy
    Temporal Artery Biopsy
    A temporal artery biopsy is done to diagnose giant cell arteritis (GCA), which is also known as temporal arteritis. A temporal artery biopsy is the best way to confirm a diagnosis of GCA. Temporal artery biopsy is an outpatient procedure that involves removing a small section of the temporal artery. The temporal artery is a blood vessel in the scalp on the side of the head. After the procedure, the piece of removed artery will be examined in a lab. The lab will look for inflammation and abnormally large cells.
  • Thrombin Injections
    Thrombin Injections
    Thrombin is an agent that causes clotting. It may be injected under ultrasound guidance into the pseudoaneurysm to clot the blood inside it. The clot is gradually reabsorbed. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic.

Varicose Vein Solutions
